Welcome to the NAGPRA Community of Practice
Our Vision
A community that is supported, connected, and empowered to facilitate repatriation.
Our Mission
The NAGPRA Community of Practice provides space to share experiences, concerns, and successes to decrease misunderstanding and hesitancy and to foster relationships and healing.
NCP Leadership Transition Announcement
🌟 Thank You, Anne Amati! 🌟
After over 5 incredible years of leadership, Anne Amati is stepping down as facilitator of the NAGPRA Community of Practice (NCP).
Anne’s leadership has been instrumental in the success and growth of the NCP since its founding in 2019. Her vision and dedication brought the NCP to life, including securing the funding needed to support our community and mission. Anne’s ability to foster meaningful connections and build a strong sense of community has created a collaborative environment that will benefit the NCP for years to come. Her impact is immeasurable, and her legacy will continue to guide us as we move forward.
The Steering Committee is grateful for the strong foundation she has built. Anne's impact on the NCP is immeasurable and we wish her all the best in her next chapter as National Curator for the Bureau of Land Management. Please join us in celebrating Anne’s contributions and thanking her for her extraordinary commitment to the NCP! 💛
The NCP Steering Committee would also like to extend its deepest gratitude to Kate Compton-Gore for her unwavering dedication, exceptional leadership, and remarkable contributions as she steps down from her role as Co-Chair. Her vision, commitment, and tireless efforts have been instrumental in shaping the success of our initiatives over the last year. We are excited to witness the continuing impact she will undoubtedly make as she transitions to serving on the Steering Committee in new and meaningful capacities.
Thank you for your support as we take on this major transition. The reorganization process will continue ongoing efforts to delegate responsibilities and many Steering Committee Members are busy at work planning for what 2025 has in store for the NCP.
Get Involved
The NAGPRA Community of Practice hosts video calls at 11 a.m. MT on the second and fourth Fridays of each month to share the latest developments in NAGPRA implementation and connect practitioners. Access recordings of the calls here. We also offer an email listserv (Google Group) that allows NAGPRA community members to share their resources and seek insight from experts across many fields and levels of expertise. We also share community news and reminders of upcoming calls. Join our private Facebook group and start communicating with other NAGPRA practitioners who can help advance your work.
Bi-Monthly Video Calls: Click here. Meeting ID: 862 3786 2206. Please note, this is a new meeting link for November and December 2024.
For guidance on joining and posting to the listserv, click here
For NAGPRA practitioners — those involved in implementing NAGPRA — our community of practice can be a vital resource for networking and knowledge sharing. NAGPRA practitioners are invited to utilize resources like document templates, sample letters of consultation and museum guidelines in their own work.
Contact Directory
Knowing who to contact can be the first step in improving communication between museum, tribe, federal, and other NAGPRA practitioners. To support communication and collaboration, the NAGPRA Community of Practice is creating a directory of NAGPRA practitioners.
Additional NAGPRA Communities
Learn about other groups dedicated to NAGPRA and repatriation work. The NAGPRA Community of Practice does not oversee these groups. If you have a group that you'd like to share information about here, please fill out our feedback form.
AAIA Tribal Partners Working Group
The Association on American Indian Affairs has long been working to protect the Cultural Sovereignty of Native Nations through our work on domestic and international repatriation matters together with those Nations. Association staff met with Tribal leaders, Elders, and practitioners to discuss how to best create and implement a Tribal Partners Working Group, ensuring our efforts were guided by our Tribal Partners. The Tribal Partners Working Group is a closed group limited to citizens and members of Native Nations who represent those Nations on matters involving domestic and international repatriation, NAGPRA and other federal, state, and Tribal laws, cultural heritage protection, historic preservation, and Sacred Places. The closed group allows Tribal repatriation practitioners to have a safe space to talk about matters that are not meant for the public, and to build stronger coalitions throughout Indian Country.
The main goal of this working group is to create a protected place for Tribal Representatives to come together and discuss important and sensitive issues. The working group meets monthly the last week of each month. To join or for more information, please contact the Association at general@Indian-Affairs.org.
California Repatriation Community of Practice
The California Repatriation Community of Practice is a Tribally led working group of repatriation practitioners that is organized by the United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria and Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians. The group has quarterly Zoom meetings to discuss repatriation best practices, provide state and local government officials with an opportunity to give updates, and offer short training sessions on practical repatriation topics. The group is open to all repatriation practitioners. To sign up, please register at: https://forms.office.com/r/2qQaATrRFf
Federal NAGPRA Network
The Federal NAGPRA Network brings together agency staff to share information and exchange best practices to support agency NAGPRA compliance efforts, including those that are unique to Federal agencies. To join the network, contact FNNContact@doimspp.onmicrosoft.com.
Midwest NAGPRA Community of Practice (MNCP)
The central goal of the Midwest NAGPRA Community of Practice (MNCP) is to facilitate communication and discussion among institutions, agencies, and tribal communities that focuses upon the documentation of ancestors and cultural materials from midwestern locations for consultation and repatriation to descendent communities. We also can serve as an important resource for institutions and agencies throughout the country who have midwestern collections that may be NAGPRA related. For more information or if you are interested in joining our group, please contact Eve Hargrave at ehargrav@illinois.edu.
Nebraska NAGPRA Circle
The Nebraska NAGPRA Circle is a regional NAGPRA Community of Practice in the central Great Plains. Our membership currently includes 36 NAGPRA practitioners from Tribes, museums, government agencies and educational institutions in Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma. The Nebraska Circle sessions are held on Google Meet hosted by History Nebraska at noon Central Time on the first Friday of each month, except during the summer. If you are interested in joining the Nebraska NAGPRA Circle and receiving notices of our monthly programs, please contact Dave Williams, State Archeologist and Interim Director of Historical Resources at History Nebraska at email dave.williams@nebraska.gov.
Northeast NAGPRA Community of Practice
The Northeast NAGPRA Community of Practice was founded to create better connections in the Northeast between institutional practitioners and tribal representatives. We aim to facilitate strong communication between all individuals involved in NAGPRA implementation regardless of skill and expertise. Topics may be broad and general but the regional focus will build camaraderie. Please reach out to the group facilitators at northeast.nagpra@gmail.com with any questions or to join the meetings.
Southeastern NAGPRA Community of Practice (SNACP)
Throughout the Southeast, many NAGPRA practitioners are at various stages with different levels of knowledge about NAGPRA. However, all face similar issues concerning the navigation and implementation of NAGPRA. A southeastern focused support system enables individuals who are involved in NAGPRA to more easily find ways to talk and share resources specific to the Southeast. If you are interested in being part of the Southeastern NAGPRA Community of Practice, please email se.nagpra.communityofpractice@gmail.com.
Southwestern NAGPRA Community of Practice
The Southwestern NAGPRA Community of Practice (SW-NCP) is for everyone engaged in NAGPRA work at museums, Tribes, or Federal or state agencies, along with other interested parties, who are working in the Southwest or at institutions with ancestors or belongings from the Southwest. Email Amy Cao (arcao@fortlewis.edu) to be added to the SW-NCP’s contact list to receive updates on our regular Zoom meetings or if you have any questions or suggestions.
Wisconsin NAGPRA Community of Practice
The Wisconsin NAGPRA Community of Practice is geared towards practitioners that are working with NAGPRA concerns largely from archaeological sites located in and near to Wisconsin. The Wisconsin NAGPRA COP is for practitioners with various stages of knowledge about NAGPRA who all face similar issues concerning the navigation and implementation of NAGPRA. This regional support system enables individuals who are involved in NAGPRA to more easily find ways to talk and share resources. If you are interested in being part of the Wisconsin Community of Practice, please email haasjr@uwm.edu.